Unity Fitness Game

Unity Fitness Game

A virtual pet that motivates you to stay fit

Github link

My Contributions

  • I came up with the original concept
  • Coded Unity game logic and API in C#.
  • Created particle systems in Unity.


PocketPup is a virtual pet whose needs change according to the weather (in real time, thanks to The Weather Network’s cool API). It encourages players to perform real-world physical tasks to ensure that their virtual pet is happy and in good health. Made for HackWestern 2017 at Western University.

Picture 1 Our team

How we built it

PocketPup is built entirely using Unity3D and C#, and the character model for the pup is created using Blender.

Challenges we ran into

One challenge was figuring out how to integrate the Weather Network API into Unity. We also ran into some trouble when we had to create particle effects in sync with the real-time weather.

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

Our Pup model is very expressive, and the fact that the in-game weather mirrors the real world is, in our opinion, simply awesome.

What we learned

We learned how to effectively use version control tools to distribute tasks in a team, as well as integrating new technologies into our existing skillset. Also, this has kinda become our team motto: Nothing is impossible if you work as a team.